Pittsburgh’s Autocross fundraiser,
finding the cure for Huntington’s Disease: May 18 2025


My name is Morgan McLane and I created “Barbara Lee’s Fast Track to a Cure for Huntington’s Disease” in honor of my Aunt Barbara. She was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease (HD) in December, 1999. Barbara led quite a normal life, getting married and having two daughters. In her 40’s her life changed forever, beginning with subtle changes in her personality and physical capabilities.  We now realize this was the beginning of her disease.  HD is an inherited, degenerative brain disorder that results in the progressive loss of control of both the mind and the body. Approximately 30,000 people in the US are living with HD, with another 200,000+ assumed at risk.  Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease.  In 2005, Aunt Barbara was placed in a nursing home, confined to a wheelchair, and began having difficulty speaking and swallowing.  HD is an especially difficult condition because it robs the affected person not only of their health and independence, but also the memories of family, friends, and a lifetime of experiences.

 There is no cure.

In April of 2010 my aunt lost her battle with HD…

As we enter our seventeenth year of FastTrackPGH, we hope you join us in raising funds and awareness of Huntington’s Disease.  Your support will put Huntington’s Disease on a “FastTrack” to the finish line of finding a cure!


18 $280,000+
Years Donations

The Team

The Gang







Levin Furniture

Brenda’s Blankies

Mini of Pittsburgh

Courtney Marley

Western Pennsylvania Chapter of HDSA

North Hill Sports Car Club

Xhibit Solutions

Memory of Jim Succop

Grist House

Keith McCafferty

Vecenie Distributing

Michael & Nicole McLane &Family

Pittsburgh Pirates

Mickey McLane

Hahn Restoration

Cycle and Balance Corp

Ray Wojszynski

Hal’s Bar & Grill

McNutt Family Charitable Fund

Automotive Elegance

6  Star Performance
